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How was gold extracted from ancient times?
Gold continues to be a precious metal from antiquity to the present day. Even with time, gold remains among the precious metals that have not lost their valuable value due to its rare chemical properties. It is a metallic metal with stable atomic structure. It is rusty, non-oxidizing, Gemayel, and therefore humans sought ancient and modern ways to help them find and extract from nature.
Ancient gold mining
There were many ways in the extraction of gold from nature and extraction, and it was not possible for humans, but God guidance to them to know the characteristics of this precious metal, and whereabouts, and then ways to extract; we will mention the most famous methods used by ancient diggers.
Places in the rocks:
Ancient humans have observed that gold is found in nature in certain places, and is often mixed with other elements and minerals. With experience and exploration, gold is found in coatz and basalt rocks and is often combined with other minerals, such as copper and silver.
Geographically located:
Ancient Egyptians searched for this precious metal everywhere. They noticed that it existed frequently in the estuaries, down the mountains and sometimes in the form of buried veins. Mining and drilling began with digging and extraction. The ancient Egyptians dug in mines to extract various kinds of minerals, including gold.
Separation of gold from impurities:
The ancients used several methods to separate gold from impurities, such as rocks, stones and sand. These methods were all mechanical, and we do not mean the mechanics of any mechanism, but of centrifuge mechanics and atomic weight mechanics, as follows:
The process of removing large impurities to facilitate the next stages of work; they were making sieves with holes of different sizes, putting the sand and stones that contain hidden gold granules, gold granules drop with very small stones and sand in another container, and then Look at the stones and large parts that remained in the sieve and did not descend; so as to make sure that there are no large gold blocks that did not descend from the holes, then they collect what they found from these large gold blocks (if any) and get rid of impurities. T for all components.
The process of separating the impurities from gold, as there are simple equipment for this process, which is a conical dish made of wood or iron, they would put in this dish the components obtained after the screening, and add water, and then start the circular swing process; To remove the sand and small gravel to the top and limbs; because it is lighter than gold, and thus descend and concentrate heavy metals such as gold and silver in the middle and bottom, and then wash the upper part of these impurities and get rid of them, as they repeat this process several times to keep the HP alone at the bottom of the dish cone, then they gather and Asrunh. exploring for gold gold extracted