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Russia's geologists have devised a new way to study natural materials, helping to assess the reserves of noble metals.
Russian scientists in the field of geology from Birm National University of Research have reached a modern way to study natural materials, allowing for the evaluation of the reserves of precious metals such as gold and others.
"The essence of the new method is to take into account the existence of noble metals in these materials, even nanometer sizes," said Professor Boris Osvitsky, a professor of nanoscale research at the University of New York. , Which allows access to larger quantities of noble metals.
The new method is based on the use of powerful optical devices, which allow the discovery of the smallest minutes of noble metals in the ore rocks. These minutes are not usually pure gold, but are mixed with other rocks and minerals, separated by chemical methods. Of course, this method can not be compared to the traditional methods used to extract noble metals, but it helps to rationalize resources, in addition to helping to discover the rich deposits of gold, especially as minutes are attracted to each other.
This new method helped geologists discover a reservoir of mercurial gold in the northwest of Perm province. The scientists say the possibility of using the new method to explore the rest of noble metals as well. exploring for gold Gold In Africa