Do People Still Pan For Gold?

Some very handy hints for finding gold items are in this video.

Pan For Gold

Goldfinders finds more gold using our own custom built powerhouse detector on Queensland's beaches.If you like the shovel or like to purchace a good no BS and interesting book on the subject then go to the website below.

The Goldfinder XTR detector easily punches through the most difficult ground and any conditions with performance to rival the best in the world. This detector does not "moan" when moving from wet sand to dry like other detectors and works well anywhere. It is not feasible for us to offer these detectors for sale because they are handmade, performance tuned and very difficult and time consuming to make, but proving to be a great asset for beach, mild goldfield areas, under water, and everywhere inbetween. See "Goldfinders strike gold video" and the upcoming new videos.

Gold panning is the oldest method of extracting gold from the earth, and it is also the least expensive method. Now, the question is - do people still pan for gold? The answer is a big resounding "YES"! People still pan for gold. Some people still do it as the main source of their income especially in developing countries while some people do it as a hobby.

Some tips to pan for gold Gold panning is not so hard to do - that is if the person is willing to put his back into it and panning for gold should be an enjoyable experience. If somebody is planning to pan for gold, here are some tips.

  • Get a good set of gear. Panning for gold is an outdoor activity and investing in good gear is necessary. A portable shovel, a pair of boots, gold pans, a sniffer bottle, and buckets are the basic things that one would need when gold panning. There are also companies that offer a complete gold panning kit, it would also be a good option to purchase a kit and save time looking for individual items.

  • Find a good location to pan for gold. Gold is considered a rare earth metal and nowadays it is difficult to find a new spot where gold is present. The best location to start with is a place where there is already a gold panning activity. Most panning activity is done near a stream since panning for gold requires flowing water.

  • Dig, classify the dirt, and pan for gold. Shovel some dirt and break it into small pieces so that gold nuggets do not get accidentally thrown away. Next, put the dirt into the gold pan until the pan is 70 per cent full. Filling the pan will completely only wash away pay dirt. Put the pan under the stream, just make sure that the flow of water is slow enough and it does not wash away most of the dirt that is not yet panned. Shake the pan underwater. Doing so would make the gold settle at the bottom of the pan and the lighter materials would go up. Stop from time to time and sweep the dirt and repeat the process until the bottom of the pan is reached. Most of the time, what is left in the pan is a small mass of black dirt or sand with gold flakes. Keep this in a separate container and save it for processing later on and pan for gold again.

  • Re-pan the black sand with gold flakes at home. It is not advisable to do this activity outdoors. It is best done during hours of leisure and enjoying the comfort of home. Doing this should take a lot of care so that the maximum amount of gold can be extracted. After panning several times, there will still be a small amount of black sand; this can be separated from the gold by using a magnet since black sand is attracted to a magnet. Once the gold flakes have been separated from the sand, store them in a clean vial

The price of gold is rising up all the time, and it is a good investment, and it is a reason why some people still pan for gold.

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